Best Domestic Discipline Dating Site In The World

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1. “When the man takes charge and makes really good, well-thought-out (and prayed for) decisions, it’s pretty easy for wives to submit. Why not? He’s made the right call. All you have to do is go along with it.” — Kirsten,

2. “The best part of domestic discipline is what has happened emotionally between this long-time married couple. This new way has made us loving, more loving than ever before. Our marriage is energized. We are touching, hugging, playfully spanking, and making more love than ever before. Why? Because my Jack is taking the lead. He is the boss. It feels right and the way it should be.…It has made a difference in our lives in a big way.” — Meredith,

Female led world joy can be achieved by applying the two essential precepts of female dominated relationships to society: 1 - Control of Men's Penises = Control of Men's Minds = Control of Men. 2 - Frustration + Stimulation = Submission & Service. This website discusses human bodies and human sexual practices, and contains images of human. Best Dating Places In Cantonment, broadview heights speed dating reviews, castlewood singles matchmaking, city dating site near darien il. Domestic Discipline The Rancher's Wife. Sometimes life’s not fair. Filed under: Domestic Discipline — Brigid @ 5:59 pm. I am presently in the death-grip of premenstrual hell, thus I am forcing myself to write as objectively as possible. It is so, so, so easy to be negative and unpleasant when my hormones are raging. Obedience is a habit tracker for BDSM couples. Whether you've been practising BDSM for a long time, or you're new to the scene, Obedience will help you and your partner (s) track daily and weekly habits, and puts the dominant in charge of rewards and punishments. Couples can connect their phones, which enables one to update their habit status. Apr 13, 2015 That night, I had the best orgasms of my life and it was a series of them. The sheets were soaked after two hours:)) Since this day, Mark has complete freedom in dominating me at his will. Although it still took some time to make things work properly, we successfully introduced domestic discipline in our lives.

3. “The definition I’m using with the word ‘submissive’ is the biblical definition of that. So, it is meekness, it is not weakness. It is strength under control, it is bridled strength….First Peter 3:1 says, ‘In the same way, you wives, be submissive to your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives.’…It is very difficult to have two heads of authority….It doesn’t work in the military, it doesn’t work — I mean, you have one president, you know what I’m saying?” — Candace,

4. “Well I finally got my first Spanking! Thanks to a suggestion and my loving HOH’s (head of household’s) permission it was a ‘test’ spank. I think he probably smacked my bottom about 10 times (bare bottom, OTK, with his hand). AND GUESS WHAT?? I WASN’T SCARED!!!! Now I have a renewed confidence in our decision to live a CDD (Christian Domestic Discipline) lifestyle….Hubby also informed me that we are going to be working on a habit I have that he can’t stand. He is giving me enough leeway so I am not really stressed about it, and since our ‘test’ spank, I know what I’m in for if I fail. That alone gives me a strong desire to please him….What I am trying to say is MEN…If you lead she WILL follow, and she will be content in doing so.” — Anonymous,

5. “We have no “set rules” so to speak. I know his preferences for what needs to be done & when he says “end of discussion,” that is it. Certain things like really bad attitude, yelling at anyone in the house, throwing a fit when mad, or being disrespectful (especially in front of others) will all add up to a bad whippin after a while. There is no, “Well you missed a load of laundry,” or “The dishes are dirty” type spanks in our home. There might be an “Ok, you know I want these things done and all week you have slacked off, you have until tomorrow (or tonight or whatever) and I will remind you if I have to,” but he has never had to. If I am given a warning I usually get it done.” — Kali,

6. “Oh boy, here we go. I can remember being a little girl (probably middle school age) and hearing someone tell me the Scripture in Ephesians that calls women to submit to their husbands. My reaction then was much like most women and like the world’s view of submission. I remember saying “There is NO WAY I’m going to be some man’s slave and stay at home and cook and clean for him!” It was not until I sat through a Bible study on the book of Ephesians that I truly understood submission. Submission is not meant for bad…it’s meant to give us more freedom actually….” — Danielle,

7. “I’ve been exploring submission for some time, and the one thing that I have discovered above anything else is the fact that wifely submission brings harmony to a home. There is no longer a power struggle between two people who both want to be “in charge.” It is a confession of our dependence on one another and an acceptance of our natural roles….Do you submit to the wishes of your boss? If you are given instructions, do you follow them? If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have your job for very long, would you?! My husband is simply the “boss” of my home.” — Becki,

Best Domestic Discipline Dating Site In The World

8. “As a strong-willed person, I see submission as a form of feminine chivalry. So when I serve my husband it’s not out of weakness, but out of strength. Just as our Lord washed the feet of His disciples, it wasn’t to show that He was beneath them, but to show that real leadership serves.” — Regina,

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9. “There is a beautiful surrender that comes with allowing myself to be vulnerable and submissive. When I was a little girl, I was a quiet little sweetheart who was pleasing to be around. My bad experiences hardened me and now my marriage is helping me relax my rigid boundaries….I always said that I would never leave the city and here I am willingly becoming a country housewife.” — Mrs. Submission,

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10. “Yes, It’s true. I find joy in being a submissive wife. “Submissive” is not a four-letter word. It’s actually ten : )…Notice we are not commanded to love our husbands. We are commanded to submit to them. However, the husbands are commanded to love us….Bottom line—men would rather be respected than loved. Women would rather be loved than respected. It’s only by bringing the two together under complete subjection to Christ by both parties that the marriage will ever be complete.” — Anonymous,

11. “I wish there wasn’t a knee-jerk reaction to the word “submissive” but unfortunately there is such a stigma. When you mention being a submissive wife, people’s minds tend to go in either one direction or the other. Either they think you are into some sort of kinky lifestyle or they think you are a mindless doormat. That’s why I always make sure I add “Biblical” in front so there’s no confusion. ;) I am neither kinky, nor a doormat. My husband and I would be considered rather boring by most people. He is very particular about how he runs his household, his likes and dislikes. He can even be a bit bossy at times. But he is a wonderful, loving husband and father, a great provider and well, being in charge just suits him. Not to mention I find it tremendously sexy and attractive. I’m a happy happy wife!” — Anonymous, experience

12. “My husband is in seminary to be a music minister and I noticed that he doesn’t spank me like he used to. I don’t know what to do?!? I love him with or without discipline, but to be honest I really want it in my life. Does anyone have advice?” — Anonymous,

Best Domestic Discipline Dating Site In The World Video

“I am a submissive wife but do not always submit. For instance if my hubby is asking me to do something I believe isn’t in my best interests I simply refuse. Hubby seems to like anal sex. I do not and will not oblige him in his depravity. I may be submissive, but I’m no idiot doormat!” — Anonymous,