No Point In Dating

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No Point In Dating Free

If she hasn't initiated by after date 4, forget it. Initiation can be as simple as asking if I'd like to meet up, inviting me to a friend's BBQ. I like a girl who doesn't blindly follow traditional man/woman dating roles. Sep 16, 2007 I am doing it this way because I see no point in posting an online profile - how many women between the age of 27 to 37 would actually initiate a contact? Or even send a wink? Maybe I am so out of touch on this but after reading other posts on online dating that is my impression.

  • The widower I was dating, his two daughters (30s) and mother welcomed me with open arms; I'm still hoping things will work out. But yes, you definitely need to cut yourself free of this one-you should definitely want better (and not have to deal with snotty family members. No one should put themselves in that situation.
  • Mar 22, 2015 I had a revelation today: in today's dating society, there's no point in even trying. I strongly believe that women have it far easier and have all of the power and that nothing can ever be truly equal in this situation. Here's what led to me to this belief: There's this girl that I know that I hung out with occasionally.
  • Mar 22, 2015 I had a revelation today: in today's dating society, there's no point in even trying. I strongly believe that women have it far easier and have all of the power and that nothing can ever be truly equal in this situation.
No point in dating search
Hi everyone. My husband and I are having a difference of opinion and I wanted to get some objective views... so here I am.
First of all, my husband (Dave) and I have been married a bit over two years but have known each other for about four years. I consider our relationship excellent. In fact we joke about how our personalities compliment each other rather than being the same. Communication between us is also great.
One area that we differ on is past relationships and I suppose attitudes toward them. I was a free spirit and enjoyed exploring the world of relationships and sexuality. I never felt bad about the experiences I had. Dave was alot more reserved. So as you can expect I have had alot more 'variety' than he has. Anyway, all of this was discussed way before we got married and Dave understood that he was 'the guy' for me forever. Again it was all about communication. I wanted us to be completely honest with each other and we were. He's still not crazy about my past but he knows I love him with all my heart. I've introduced him to a couple of past flames (both are married now) because they are in our circle of friends and once again I wanted to be honest.
Our 'intimate life' is great. I sort of took the lead in the beginning - he was a heck of a good student! I never deny him and he never denies me. We've discussed fantasies and have even tried a few. So I know he's happy.
One of his was to have some sexy boudoir photos of me. I was completely game for it. We both wanted them to be high glossy and plaboyish looking so the issue came up of how and who and where we could do this. Dave has never been too keen on having guys 'ogle' me so I suggested 'Ken' (who is one of my exes that we are friends with). Ken's passion is photography and we've seen some of his work. Dave didn't initially like the idea at all but I told him that Ken is definitely a known commodity and he's a good guy who we can trust. Anyway, Dave eventually agreed with me and I asked Ken if he was OK with it (and his wife!!) and he said sure.
So this past weekend wewent over to Kenand Louise's home where he has a home studio. The shoot went really well. I thought I'd be nervous but I wasn't. Dave on the other hand was sort of nervous but eventually was OK to the point that he even suggested some poses.
At one point Ken suggested that we take some photos in their great room so we all went there. As we left his studio I was wearing a robe of course. Once we got to the other room we saw that Ken and Louise's son (1st year college) was there. Ken was nonchalant and said let's continue. So I took off the robe and we continued. The son came in and out of the room on a few occassions. It didn't bother me because I'm pretty confident about my body and am not ashmaed of it (I've been to topless beaches). I couldn't really gauge Dave's reactions so we continued until Ken suggested that we call it a day.
When we got home Dave said that he was shocked. I was truly surprised and asked him why. He said it was bad enough that Ken saw me undressed but now so did their son. He said I should have stopped the shoot once we saw that the son was there.
I told him that it really is not a big deal at all but he says it is and has been upset all week.
How can I help him overcome his sense that something wrong happened when nothing wrong did?
01-19-2013, 11:37 PM
6,372 posts, read 6,465,335 times
Originally Posted by Veyron
Well I guess I'm odd. I like what I like. I've actually been in denial about it my attraction to Asian women simply because its weird, its not accepted by society and most Asian women do not like black men.
I never said black women where ugly either or I didn't think they were beautiful. Black women are beautiful but I just not attracted to most of them. It's not a choice its just the way I'm wired.
Sorry, saw this topic and had to chime in..
You're wasting your time by going back and fourth about your preferences as a black man, there is absolutely no level of explanation that you could give that would satisfy some of the posters on here. They are judging you from a perspective of how they believe 'black men' think, act and behave. Essentially you are not defending yourself, but the actions of an entire race of men. You best believe that if a white guy walked in here and said exactly what you just said about Asian, Latin and Black Women--this discussion wouldn't even cross anyone's minds. But because you're a black man then the script is dusted off, pulled out and announced 'oh yeah--sell out, because that's how they always are.'A a matter of fact--quite a few of the women on here would be beaming with smiles at the very idea of a white guy saying exactly what youv'e stated in your OP.
Also take note, the same people calling you a 'sell out' on here, are the same people (male and female posters alike) who applaud black women for being interested in males of other races and congratulate them for being 'open minded' and for 'exploring their options' no matter what the reason.
As for Asian women, I haven't had much interest myself, but I certainly grabbed the attention of quite a few in more diverse areas in large cities. As many of them grow up a bit more distanced from the traditional Asian family structure, you'll find that a lot of them are becoming acclimated to a much more diverse set of co-workers, colleagues and friends--so naturally an attraction is likely to occur.But I think it's fairly simple--if that's what you're attracted to, then you have to go to where they are. Women (unless you are a celebrity or someone with a high degree of noteriety) are definitely not going to make the first move, and this probably rangs much more true with Asian women. You'll probably have to do a bit of straight forward asking out before you find what it is that you are looking for. From what I've seen, quite a number of them expect the man to be very aggressive (and not in the negative way.)